

Sports Outside the Beltway

Did the NFL Ban the Spike?’s article on new NFL rule changes has to be wrong. According to their interpretation the league banned the post-touchdown spike [emphasis mine]:

Individual players are prohibited from using foreign objects or the football while celebrating. They are also prohibited from engaging in any celebrations while on the ground. A celebration shall be deemed excessive or prolonged if a player continues to celebrate after a warning from an official. Previously, players were not prohibited from using props or celebrating on the ground.
Reason for the change: Promotes sportsmanship.

Taking the football and slamming it into ground looks like a violation of the rule to me.

A Hampton Roads (Virginia) Daily Press story puts the rule change this way [again emphasis mine]:

Another rules change will prohibit an individual player, not just two or more, from engaging in prolonged, excessive or “premeditated” celebrations. Players also cannot use a prop, such as the ball, to celebrate – a point illustrated in the video shown Thursday at Redskins Park by Washington running back Clinton Portis’ resuscitation of the pigskin last season.

As a response to Chad Johnson’s hijinks this is quite extreme. What next, banning the Lambeau Leap?

Rule Changes for 2006″

[Cross-posted to The American Mind.]

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